What Happens if I Miss My BOTOX® Cosmetic Appointment?

woman-getting-botoxBOTOX® Cosmetic is one of the most popular cosmetic injectable treatments offered at Dermlounge. Designed to counter the signs of facial aging, BOTOX® injections work to reduce the appearance of dynamic wrinkles by relaxing the overworked facial muscles that cause skin to crease. In order to maintain the rejuvenating results of BOTOX® Cosmetic, patients often choose to schedule follow-up appointments for retreatment.

Regular BOTOX® Cosmetic treatments can help you retain a youthful, rejuvenated appearance while also slowing down future signs of aging. By relaxing the facial muscles that produce dynamic wrinkles, consistent injections can prevent the development of new creases or the worsening of existing lines and wrinkles. Crow’s feet, frown lines, and brow lines are ultimately inevitable, but with BOTOX® injections, patients can maintain a smoother, more refreshed appearance that helps them age gracefully.

Scheduling BOTOX® Cosmetic treatments every three months is typically recommended for patients looking to best maintain their anti-aging results. However, circumstances can sometimes make it difficult to attend regular appointments, and patients often worry about how missing an appointment will impact their facial appearance. Generally, the effects of BOTOX® Cosmetic wear off between three and six months after treatment, at which point patients can expect to see the gradual reappearance of wrinkles and fine lines. However, some patients—especially those who have been receiving BOTOX® injections for longer periods of time—notice an improvement in their facial appearance even after the treatment has worn off.

Understandably many patients lately have had to cancel or reschedule their BOTOX® Cosmetic, Jeuveau®, or Dysport® injectable treatments. The staff here at Dermlounge understands that this is a stressful time, and we encourage patients to remain safe and healthy. To help you protect and care for your skin until your next injectable appointment, our office offers a number of professional and medical-grade skin care products.

If you would like to learn more about BOTOX® Cosmetic, skin care, or our other injectable treatment options, please contact Dermlounge today. Our staff is happy to schedule you a consultation or answer any questions you may have.